Republican, Democrat or Realist

Republican philosophy leans more towards individual freedoms, rights and responsibilities. In contrast, Democrats attach greater importance to equality and social/community responsibility. But what lies between?

Christopher Graham Hurrell
7 min readFeb 1, 2020

A need exists to transcend existing political frameworks that divide sensible people into nonsensical camps that share many similarities but serve a non-constructive agenda.

If we are to transcend barriers to collective evolution, we need to embrace a new unifying political framework. I will call this Realism.

Realism reduces philosophies into its constituent elements, removing noise and distractions and providing us a clear understanding of the problems we face and the solutions necessary to overcome them.


Regarding a topic such as healthcare, in order to understand the issue we need to shift our perspective to those who these policies will affect most. These are low income populations that require the same medical treatment, if not more, than the wealthy who advocate for private healthcare, and who most likely have vested interests in healthcare providers.

If one gets ill or develops a disease, what options are there to treat this disease? What options are there if they have no money?

It is ridiculous to imagine a world where they are left untreated to suffer, creating conditions for further disease and eventual death, as well as the knock-on effects of these situations.

In order to remain productive citizens, they need to have the resources to treat illness or disease. A simple example of reducing what seems like a complex debate into a simple scenario.

Income generation

Next, we need to factor in how these people generate income and the conditions leading up to their present state. What socio-economic conditions are they limited by, and are they able to overcome these limitations through societal contribution such as productive work? If not, that would be a primary problem.

Do ordinary people, or even low-income populations have the opportunities to overcome economic limitations, or to ascent to another income class with concerted effort? Are people being blocked from attaining financial security? Do funding mechanisms exist to support small-time entrepreneurs that generate subsistence income? Or are they being preyed upon by financial institutions that seek to destroy them through selfish or predatory financial mechanisms.

Tax policy

Do current tax policies support subsistence entrepreneurship? Are subsistence entrepreneurs being taxed fairly, in line with benefits enjoyed by large corporations?

Community Business Development Frameworks

If we see large corporations are entities comprised of many smaller entities in symbiotic relationship with one another, it is simple to understand how this model can be applied to a large community of independent businesses that operate in symbiosis with one another, and also enjoy the tax and economic benefits of large corporations.

Perhaps what is needed is to form communal co-operatives that appear to be corporations on the surface but exist independently.

One advantage that a corporation benefits from is standardisation of operational processes, marketing & sales, management, etc.

By creating a similar framework to be distributed among co-operative businesses we can achieve a similar effect and improve the revenue generation potential of these small or micro businesses.

Community Business Co-Operatives

By creating a unifying business development framework for micro-businesses that will become subsistence income generators, we need to create support services that assist these business with access to:

  • opportunity identification & market research
  • marketing & design
  • product development & engineering
  • management & accounting resources
  • infrastructure

Opportunity, Energy & Will

None of this matters without the right philosophy and attitudes being adopted by communities that seek a better way of life.

We need opportunities, but in order to take advantage of these opportunities we need energy, and in order to catalyse this process we need the will to act and create value.

We cannot generate income without first creating value.

Opportunities to create value exist all around us, but if we are opportunity blind or intellectually lazy, we can never identity these opportunities. They are invisible to the untrained eye.

In order to identify opportunities, the element of creativity is required. The desire to create something of value where none exists, or where something inferior or ineffective exists.

Could intellectually lazy people, unable to identify commercial opportunity due to a lack of creative ability become successful business owners? If so, how do we overcome intellectual laziness in those who seek evolution of their circumstances?

What if a small catalyst is required in order to create a significant shift?

Micro-Business Development Framework

Perhaps we need a business development agency that takes the first step, and incentives people to take following steps to develop commercially viable businesses.

What if business was not seen as a mechanism to become wealthy but merely to create subsistence income? A different philosophy needs to be embraced to create community business co-operatives.

How to make socialism, i.e. providing resources to those in need, attactive to tax payers?

In order to do this, we need to quantify the effect of socio-economic health has on corporate income. As a wild guess, I would imagine this being a no-brainer, a socio-economically healthy population has more resources to spend on whatever the corporations in question are selling.

This needs to be viewed in terms of system dynamics, where energy is fluidic and needs to be allocated to system components in order to ensure optimal health of the system.

By resisting socialist-type policies where poverty is eliminated via taxation of high-income individuals or companies, we resist supporting healthy system dynamics. We could call this resistance isolationism.

If you have a decent income and all the distractions that come with that, it is difficult to allocate time to understanding systems deficiencies that may very likely impact your life in some way or another.

How to solve economic isolationism?

How do we expose system flaws to energy rich nodes (people or companies) in a way that stimulates a desire to solve them.

Much work has gone into creating educational material in the form of documentaries that educate the viewer on socio-economic issues. I imagine that this has had an impact to some extent in stimulating sympathy for the affected, but it would appear this is not enough. If there are solutions being implemented, they are not significant enough.

There is something within the capitalist mind which is inherently selfish and greedy. It is designed this way to maximise profit to achieve income goals or revenue targets.

The question is, at what point do we cross the threshold of satisfaction? At what point are we wealthy enough to not need more, to give back and start solving system dynamic issues.

How many cars, homes, yachts or other significantly expensive items of desire are required before a mental shift takes place. A shift that sees the person becoming a provider of energy to others within the system, instead of accumulating energy that doesn’t serve a purpose other than ego-gratification.

Can a billionaire actually utilise their energy effectively? Unless you’re building space craft and plan to colonise other planets, it seems obvious this energy not serve the collective in any productive way.

Can we shift our wealth to other parts of the system in order to be used productively, without seeking an increase in value? Can we overcome the need for profitable energy re-allocation.

How do we evolve the capitalist mind to accept a new paradigm of community support as a default. How do we get wealthy individuals and companies to view themselves as integral parts of a symbiotic system that requires resource commitment to function optimally.

Wealth Competition

Is society suffering due to ego-driven wealth competitions? And what are the consequences of this competition?

The effect of this type competition is energy hoarding that results in system components suffering from lack of energy. How do the super rich actually get rich? On the surface it appears that this is a meritocratic process but is this the truth?

In some cases, it is obvious that wealth is accumulated via innovation and initiative. But in some cases wealth is accumulated through exploit. I can think up a few scenarios where this applies, namely:

  • Mining
  • Defence
  • Healthcare
  • Financial Services
  • Food

Are companies in these industries profiting fairly due to innovation and initiative? Or are they designing systems to extract as much value at any expense from society?

Why do they need so much money?

What is actually going on here?

If we consider the profits generated by leading companies in these industries I am sure we can arrive at a figure that is ludicrous and beggars belief. How can these people or corporations need so much money?

Are they creating a new planet for themselves?

It would seem so based on their budget and income. But where is this new planet? What if we decide to go and look for it? What would we find?

Perhaps we live adjacent to a parallel world we know little about. Is this a slow but steady hostile takeover of earth? What are the implications?

And, how do we instead of being subjects of this process become the engineers that create the final outcome?

Start from the top and read again.

If you are a US 2020 presidential candidate and see value in my ideas and have funding to make things move, please contact me. I am keen to support Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard or Mike Bloomberg.

[ To be continued … ]

This article forms part of a publication titled The Blueprint, A New Kingdom.




Christopher Graham Hurrell

Author, Technology & Software Developer. Hire me : +27 079 147 2432 [ Whatsapp / South Africa ]