Under Attack : Astral Compression

Are we being consumed by astral pirates?

Is our health being eroded by astral compression-related piracy operations?

Placing the body & mind under astral compression can lead to devastating consequences such as sleep & mood disorders, irritability, lack of focus, aches & pains.

Elements exist within our environment ( astral ) which due to their harmful nature are assumed to have connections to dangerous astral domains. The side effect of this could be erosion of organic qualities or states of being such as stability, peacefulness, patience, kindness, social & emotional intelligence.

This in turn could prevent access to states of consciousness that facilitate healing & regeneration. This leads to situations where people use every available resource for survival, even other people. Commonly referred to as energy or state vampirism.

Astral compression highlights vulnerable aspects of the body and mind that could be left open to exploit.

This also makes the target vulnerable to : memory, identity and spiritual modification.

Please support our initiative : https://opencollective.com/people-against-black-magic



Christopher Graham Hurrell

Author, Technology & Software Developer. https://twitter.com/earthkeeper_ Hire me : gra.hurrell@gmail.com +27 079 147 2432 [ Whatsapp / South Africa ]